Anxiety Therapy

2234764231You’re worrying about all the bad things that can possibly happen.

You’ve been getting headaches during your work shift. Every time you receive a call, you get anxious and feel queasy.

Your mind becomes blank, and it becomes difficult for you to comprehend what the caller is asking. Sometimes, you know what to do but because of having bad experiences with customers in the past, you imagine the worst outcome.

You’re constantly looking at the clock, waiting for your shift to end. Once the day is over, you dread having to work the next day.

What makes it worse is that you work from home in your bedroom. Every time you look at your computer or headset, you get a nauseous feeling.

Anxiety therapy can help.

In therapy, you will be provided with information and education on anxiety, the reasons for anxiety, and how and why it is causing problems for you.

Anxiety therapy is designed to help you identify what’s causing the anxiety and to teach you skills and strategies to reduce or eliminate the symptoms you are experiencing.

By understanding anxiety, it acts as a way to help you cope better and manage it.

Learn how to turn off the worry.

It can be difficult being in situations where you have no control. I will help you gain control of your thoughts and how you think.

I will help you identify the root causes of the anxiety and help you eliminate it.

I will teach you strategies you can begin immediately to use to feel less anxious overall and specific skills to do when you feel anxiety coming on.

After working with me, you will feel more in control and empowered. Being free of anxiety will provide the peace you’ve been wanting.

Be empowered and reach out today.

You deserve to live peacefully and free of worry. Reach out now by completing the form below to schedule a free 20-minute consultation.